Kubernetes Prometheus Monitoring

Using Prometheus to monitor kubernetes cluster

Kubernetes Prometheus Monitoring

Monitoring Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus

Prometheus is a widely used open-source monitoring system that is commonly used for monitoring Kubernetes environments. In Kubernetes, Prometheus can be used to monitor various Kubernetes components such as pods, nodes, and services. Kubernetes provides an API that allows Prometheus to discover the endpoints of the different components and collect metrics from them. These metrics can include CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and other relevant information. Prometheus also provides a variety of built-in visualization tools such as Grafana, which can be used to visualize the collected metrics. This allows users to create dashboards that provide a high-level view of the cluster's health and performance.

There are fundamentally two things that we can monitor in kubernetes system

  • Monitor applications running on Kubernetes infrastructure

  • Monitor Kubernetes cluster

    • control-plane components such as coreDNS, apiserver, kube scheduler

    • kubelet(cAdvisor) which exposes container metrics

    • kube-state-metrics which is basically the cluster-level metrics around deployments, pod, etc

    • node-exporter which runs on all the nodes and exposes metrics around the CPU, memory, and network. Node exporter can be run on a Kubernetes cluster in the following ways

      • manually run in each node in the cluster

      • use Kubernetes daemonset which allows to run pod of node-exporter in all the nodes in the cluster

Kubernetes doesn’t expose these metrics by default. For that we need to install kube state metrics container into our kubernetes environment and this container is responsible for making it available to the prometheus server.

Deploying Prometheus

There are multiple options to deploy Prometheus.

  1. Manually deploy Prometheus on Kubernetes. This requires manually creating all the deployments, configmaps, services secrets etc.

  2. Deploy using Helm chart to deploy Prometheus operator

Operators in Kubernetes

A Kubernetes operator is a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. A Kubernetes operator is an application-specific controller that extends the functionality of the Kubernetes API to create, configure, and manage instances of complex applications on behalf of a Kubernetes user.

Prometheus operator

The Prometheus Operator provides Kubernetes native deployment and management of Prometheus and related monitoring components. The Prometheus operator includes the following features:

  • Kubernetes Custom Resources: Use Kubernetes custom resources to deploy and manage Prometheus, AlertManager, and related components.

  • Simplified Deployment Configuration: Configure the fundamentals of Prometheus like versions, persistence, retention policies, and replicas from a native Kubernetes resource.

  • Prometheus Target Configuration: Automatically generate monitoring target configurations based on familiar Kubernetes label queries; no need to learn a Prometheus-specific configuration language.

user guide
This operator comes with several resources such as AlertManager, ServiceMonitor, PodMonitor, PrometheusRule, AlertManager config

Service Monitors

The Prometheus operator comes with several custom resource definitions that provide a high-level abstraction for deploying Prometheus.

kubectl get crd
servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com       2023-04-24T12:28:54Z
prometheusrules.monitoring.coreos.com       2023-04-24T12:28:54Z

Service monitors define a set of targets for Prometheus to monitor and scrape. They allow you to avoid touching Prometheus configs directly and give you a declarative Kubernetes syntax to define targets

Writing and maintaining configuration in prometheus is a pain, that’s why there’s a thing called service monitor. A service monitor tells prometheus what services in kubernetes to monitor so if you have an arbitrary deployment with some pods running behind it and you’re exposing a service to that pod you can create a service monitor that uses a label selector to select the service and then in prometheus you can label the selectors to select the service monitors that prometheus needs to consume that’ll tell prometheus what service endpoints to start scraping to collect metrics.

kubectl get servicemonitors.monitoring.coreos.com prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus -o yaml
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: prometheus
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: default
  creationTimestamp: "2023-04-24T12:29:25Z"
  generation: 1
    app: kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: prometheus
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: kube-prometheus-stack
    app.kubernetes.io/version: 45.20.0
    chart: kube-prometheus-stack-45.20.0
    heritage: Helm
    release: prometheus
  name: prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "193503"
  uid: 8be1b353-047e-4b9b-ba15-d1a6517cf2cd
  - path: /metrics
    port: http-web
    - default
      app: kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus
      release: prometheus
      self-monitor: "true"

Installing Prometheus with Helm chart

kube-prometheus stack is a collection of Kubernetes manifests, Grafana dashboards, and Prometheus rules combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy-to-operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus using the Prometheus Operator

  1. Get Helm Repository Info
helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
  1. Install Helm Chart
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack

This helm chart creates all the Prometheus resources in the cluster

To see what it has created, let’s get all the resources

kubectl get all
NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
pod/alertmanager-prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager-0   2/2     Running   1 (11m ago)   13m
pod/prometheus-grafana-6984c5759f-2wmlz                      3/3     Running   0             14m
pod/prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator-5f8db7f79c-j9z9t     1/1     Running   0             14m
pod/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-7fbdd95dc4-nrj49           1/1     Running   0             14m
pod/prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0       2/2     Running   0             13m
pod/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter-5bzbv                1/1     Running   0             14m

NAME                                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/alertmanager-operated                     ClusterIP   None             <none>        9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP   13m
service/kubernetes                                ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                      13d
service/prometheus-grafana                        ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP                       14m
service/prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager   ClusterIP   <none>        9093/TCP                     14m
service/prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator       ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                      14m
service/prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus     ClusterIP    <none>        9090/TCP                     14m
service/prometheus-kube-state-metrics             ClusterIP    <none>        8080/TCP                     14m
service/prometheus-operated                       ClusterIP   None             <none>        9090/TCP                     13m
service/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter       ClusterIP      <none>        9100/TCP                     14m

NAME                                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter   1         1         1       1            1           <none>          14m

NAME                                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/prometheus-grafana                    1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator   1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/prometheus-kube-state-metrics         1/1     1            1           14m

NAME                                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/prometheus-grafana-6984c5759f                    1         1         1       14m
replicaset.apps/prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator-5f8db7f79c   1         1         1       14m
replicaset.apps/prometheus-kube-state-metrics-7fbdd95dc4         1         1         1       14m

NAME                                                                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/alertmanager-prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager   1/1     13m
statefulset.apps/prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus       1/1     13m

Resources created

Let's understand the important resources we have created


kubectl get deployments
NAME                                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/prometheus-grafana                    1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator   1/1     1            1           14m
deployment.apps/prometheus-kube-state-metrics         1/1     1            1           14m
  • Prometheus Grafana: is a graphical UI tool that is used to visualize the data that is there in the Prometheus time series database

  • Kube Prometheus operator: this is the operator that is going to manage the lifecycle of the Prometheus instance. It handles the update of configs, restarts the process upon changes in the config

  • Kube state metrics: container for exposing cluster-level metrics such as deployments, pods, services


kubectl get statefulset
NAME                                                                    READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/alertmanager-prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager   1/1     13m
statefulset.apps/prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus       1/1     13m
  • Prometheus server: this is a container that’s running the prometheus process

  • AlertManager: alert manager instance


kubectl get daemonset
NAME                                                 DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   NODE SELECTOR   AGE
daemonset.apps/prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter   1         1         1       1            1           <none>          14m
  • Node exporter: responsible for deploying a node exporter pod on every single node in the cluster and this pod is responsible for collecting host metrics such as CPU utilization, memory utilization and exposes it to prometheus server

Connecting to Prometheus server

The Prometheus service is of type clusterIP and can be accessed from within the cluster. To connect to the Prometheus server from outside the cluster we can either make the service of type nodeport or load balancer or use an ingress to route traffic to the service.

we can also port forward the Prometheus pod to access it locally

kubectl port-forward prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 9090

Prometheus kubernetes configuration

Kubernetes SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Kubernetes REST API and always staying synchronized with the cluster state. One of the following role types can be configured to discover targets.

  • role

    • service

    • node

    • pod

    • endpoints

    • endpointsslice

    • ingress

The default config uses the role endpoint because the endpoint role discovers targets from listed endpoints of a service and thus we can basically discover pods, services, nodes and everything else using the endpoints

  - role: endpoints
    kubeconfig_file: ""
    follow_redirects: true
    enable_http2: true
      own_namespace: false
      - default

Prometheus Rules

To add rules, the Prometheus operator has a CRD called Prometheus rule which handles registering new rules to a Prometheus instance

kubectl get prometheusrules.monitoring.coreos.com